Coach CornerTechniqueshitting-point-on-the-ball
maurice101 asked 6 years ago

In training I am visualizing where I want to hit the ball in terms of a clock face. So 130 for topspin against block. Then I just hit the ball at this spot. This seems to really help in spin production and helps me time the ball better rather than my rushing habit. I got my training partner to do this and in 5 minutes he was hitting the best forehands in his life. This method could really help my backhand flick against differing spins too. Could I do this focus in a match situation??

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Maurice101,

Yes this is a really good way to help improve the contact and the quality of spin on the ball for sure. Absolutely try it on the backhand flick as well and in matches too. I think after doing it for a while you will contact the ball where you want and in the ideal spot without even thinking!

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