Coach CornerTechniquesHow Can I Improve? please help
Bahy Medhat asked 2 years ago

I have been practicing table tennis for more than 2 years, but unfortunately I can’t improve enough. How can I master the basics ? I watched all basics videos but still can’t improve.
Also, my arm is always stressed and it’s so difficult to relax
i know my biggest week areas ( BH top spin, FH push and serve return especially with side spins)
I have table tennis, Amicus robot and Jun Mizutani Super ZLC with FH tenergy 05 1.7 mm and BH tenergy 64 2.0 mm
how can I start improving step by step?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Bahy, it can be frustrating when you don’t feel you are improving. I think you mentioned probably one of the most important things and that is being able to play with a more relaxed arm, if you are too tense it makes it hard to play consistent shots. So I would really try to focus on having a relaxed grip which will then allow your arm and body to be more relaxed.

Try to slow down the shots go for spin and consistency and really keep on building up the level of your basic shots and technique. It would be great if you can send us in a short video of you playing some of the basic shots and then we can offer you feedback and coaching points on how you can start improving quicker, I’m sure with some small changes you will start to see the improvements!

Bahy Medhat
replied 2 years ago

Hey Tom, thank you for your reply. I recently try to have a relaxed grip but even though, I feel my elbow and my forearm are not relaxed at all. how can i relax them?

I will send a video later after few days.

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