Coach CornerTacticsHow to beat a spin based attacker
ReeceTowe123 asked 5 years ago

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Reece, so usually there are a few things to do to give you a better chance against these types of players. First is to keel your serves and returns tight to stop them attacking first, and get in your own attack to put them on the back foot and hopefully get them to block. This will restrict their topspin game and allow you to dictate and control the rallies more.

The second thing is when they to get in their topspin attacks,try to get them on the move and block or counter staying close to the table to give them less time. Also finding thoer body can very effective to stop them getting a clean easy swing at the ball!

Variation is key as well, mix up your serves and tempo and don’t allow them to get the same balls over again,force them to move, make decisions or play from different areas.

I hope that helps you next time!

replied 5 years ago


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