Coach CornerMatch playHow to develop a strong all out attacking game?
Casperr_l asked 2 months ago

Hi coaches!
So after a decade of playing tabletennis, and playing a lot of different styles and rubber types, I’ve decided to become an all-out attacker on both wings. At the moment I have a fairly good forehand topspin, but I’m only able to put power on it when the ball comes “easy”, and struggle with balls dat go deep or with a lot of backspin.
My backhand is still a little inconsistent, only my very spinny open ups are consistent.
Do you have any tips / training plan to start developing a stronger game?

2 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 months ago

Hey Casper, I think the main thing for you to now focus on is being able to apply pressure with your forehand even when the ball is not that weak. To do this you need to work on getting a shorter swing and quicker recovery, so lots of footwork drills and focus on using your body and legs well, having a quick snap in your arm to generate power without a long swing. For the backhand of course to be an all out attacked you will need to work on this as well, maybe you can work on using your very spinny open up and then practice just having the next ball with your backhand after this every strong. So then you’ll at least have this nice combination on your backhand really solid. I hope this makes sense, let me know if you have any more questions on this. Dan 🙂

Casperr_l answered 2 months ago

Okay, yeah that makes sense to me!
The spinny backhand open up feels easy to me, but working on the smaller stroke on the forehand to force more pressure on the opponent while recovering faster myself is something I never thought about. Thanks a lot! Now back to the practice hall 🙂

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