Coach CornerTechniqueshow-to-keep-my-short-touch-lower-over-the-net
stevefish asked 6 years ago

Hi both,
Recently in some of my league matches I’ve been really struggling with keeping my short touches low. Usually I manage to get them short but it doesn’t make a difference as the ball is too high and they can smash it easily haha! It seems to happen regardless of the spin on the serve and I can’t seem to find a fix for it, any ideas of what I can change to improve this?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Steve, Ok so there are a few technical points that can really help keep the short touches low over the net. Firstly when you step in to the table for the touch it’s vital to stay low and also keep your head and body close tot he ball to avoid losing control. If you reach in to far and contact the ball away from the body it will tend to pop up high and easy for your opponent to attack.

Also with the timing point on the short touch, if you take the ball too late it will usually mean it goes higher as well, so try to take the ball early, imagine the feeling of almost a half volley where as soon as the ball has bounced you are looking to come in early and contact with a quick sharp brush under the ball.

Check if any of those points might be happening when you are doing your short touches and let us know if that helps!

replied 6 years ago

Hi Tom, thanks for the quick response! you’re right to be honest a few of those tips you mentioned sound very much like myself when playing, I’ll try to take those on board and as you said I think it will help greatly, Thanks again!

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