Coach CornerTechniquesHow-to-play-and-drills-for-classic-anti-rubber-i-play-with-nittaku-best-anti
pablo_cifuentes asked 2 years ago

I play with tenergy 19 in the forhand and Nittaku best anti in the backhand. I twiddle a lot. I chop far from the table and sometimes near. I try to play a moderne defense so I try to counter top in the forhand. I’d like some drills for that and advices on playing with that material. The blade is the Donic defplay Senso that for me is the best!!!

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Pablo! So I think for this style it’s very important to practice a lot of swapping between defence and attack as this will be important in your match play. Also the decision when to defend close and away and then trying to get the forehand attack in. So I would say a lot of practice of players attacking into your backhand both close and away using the anti and then getting them to play a weaker ball into the forehand where you need to try to get in the attack.
Also practice using the anti loop to play aggressive return ls of serve can be really good and force a weak ball from your opponents, so try to practice pushing fast and early with it over the table on your returns and then again follow up with the forehand. 
The last thing to practice I think which will help is footwork for this style of play, getting back in close to the table when forced back and also the quick switching needed from backhand to forehand. Hope this helps. 
Dan 🙂 

replied 2 years ago

Thanks Dan. It’s more or less what I usually practice. Thank you very much for the comment!

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