Coach CornerTechniquesi-saw-the-video-for-counter-topspin-timing-any-difference-for-short-pips
laicram asked 6 years ago

The small details you gave on that video were great.  I wonder if there are any differences/other considerations when using short pips?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Thanks Laicram glad you found it helpful.

You definitely need to adjust your timing in the same way with short pimples. The difference with pimples is the contact as you can’t brush over the ball with friction as you would with inverted rubber. So you need more of a thicker and hitting through the ball feeling with short pimples. The bat angle will also be slightly mofe open with pimples because again the ball won’t kick off the bat as much as the friction is nuch lower, so the bat needs to be more open with a more flat contact when using short pimples.

Also with pimples spin has less effect and you can be more aggressive with a heavy spin ball and hit through stronger when you master the correct timing, hope that helps!

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