Coach CornerTechniquesimportance-of-a-still-head-on-backhand-topspin
Slicepong asked 6 years ago

Hi guys.  How important do you think it is to keep the  head as still as possible on the backhand open up? I don’t move my head excessively, but it seems a much more explosive shot if I let my head move naturally as I try to coordinate upper body and legs on the shot. It’s the same on the banana backhand flick on short serves. I feel it’s better to let my head go and it’s much easier to get a full swing if I’m not worried about a perfectly still noggin. Thanks.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Slicepong,

Really good point you raise there, it definitely is good to be as stable as possible with your body and head whilst playing yhe backhand open up but it’s easy to become tense when focusing on this. So there is a balance, you need enough stability to be controlled but as you said when you let your head go its a more explosive shot so you also need to be relxed to achieve this feeling.

I would say concentrate on having good technique and a relaxed arm, as long as there isn’t loads if excessive head movement and your maintaining good balance and control it shouldn’t be a problem.

Keep up the great work.

replied 6 years ago

Thanks, Dan. That helps a lot.

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