Coach Cornerjoining-a-tt-club
TomEckert asked 5 years ago

Hey Dan & Tom!
Love your YouTube channel and am now enjoying the academy! Thanks!
My table tennis routine is that I practice 2-3 times a week with my practice partners
and meet my trainer once in about 3 weeks to hone on my skills even further.
I’m enjoying the game so much and would like to take it a step further.
In that regard I’d love to hear your opinion about joining a club. I’m 36 so naturally
I’m not planning on going to the olympics, but would like to improve and be part
of a more solid training and TT motivated environment.
In your experience, does it help being part of a club? 
Should I know anything before joining?
Looking forward to your input and recommendations.
Thanks a lot!

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Tom, welcome to the Academy and glad you enjoy the youtube channel too! Great to hear your enjoying it and wanting to improve and we’ll do our best to help here at the Academy too of course.

I think being part of a club is a brilliant way to improve for many reasons, you meet new people and get to know other players who you can practice with and learn from too etc. Also more playing opportunities and perhaps competitions to get involved with. The best thing to do is find out how much the club is open, what sessions and events they have and what type of players go there. The best way is to actually go there and check it out, see what the club is like and what you can get involved with. But I’d definitely recommend joining a club, hopefully there is somewhere suitable which is local to you!

Any other questions let us know 🙂

replied 5 years ago

Thanks a lot Tom for your speedy answer!
I actually got a club 5 minutes walking distance from my apartment 🙂
I guess I’ll follow your advice.
Keep up your awesome work!

Academy Coach replied 5 years ago

No problem at all, that’s great! Hope it works out there for you. Thanks 🙂

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