Coach CornerTechniquesKeeping relaxed
ReeceTowe123 asked 5 years ago

I posted a question last week about getting more spin and you replied with keeping relaxed and this does work but whenever I try to accelerate into the ball any faster I find my self becoming more tensed is this normal or do I need to work on this with any physical training.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hi Reece, its usually just a case of practicing this area and really spending time working on it. Think about staying loose and being very relaxed especially as you accelerate through the ball area. Try to think of speed of arm and acceleration rather than power, I find this helps.

You can also focus on only allowing in tension right at the end of your back swing and stroke to atop an overly long follow through or back swing. The rest of the movement should be smooth and relaxed allowing the rubber to do the work.

Lastly I would say make sure you have good weight transfer and rotation from the body in your shots otherwise your arm will be doing all the work and can get tense because of this.

replied 5 years ago


replied 5 years ago


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