Coach CornerTechniquesKeeping the weight forward on forehand topspin
martink asked 6 years ago

A big issue of mine, I too often weight transfer sideways on fh topspin. Now I really focus on getting as low as possible in the knees, and keep the weight on my right foot with good contact to the ground, even when completing the stroke to exaggerate the forward movement. I also notice that my right knee bends a bit inwards when extending, and it sometimes feels a bit awkward. I suspect the sideways movement also adds some unnecessary sidespin. I hope this is the right way to correct it?

2 Answers
martink answered 6 years ago

I also try to visualize that my body goes in the stroke direction, just to feel the movement in that direction. Hopefully this can also help a bit, but I do know that fixing this issue is a long term project (and also getting better timing for the recovery)

TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Martin,

Yes that’s spot on, definitely the right way to correct it, the elements you described. To stop the sideways movement its about getting the weight transfer from right leg to left leg in sync with your body rotation and also staying nice and low with knees well bent as you said.

Yes it will take some time but you are doing the right things and you’ll see improvements as you go. Feet solid on the ground when playing the shot is another good way to help this which you mentioned as well. The feeling of the body going forward is great too.

Something else which might help, is making sure your shot isn’t too long and the follow through finishes in front of you and not up too high or across the body. This helps to get your energy transferring forward as well! 🙂

replied 6 years ago

Excellent, thanks for the good advice as always!

Academy Coach replied 6 years ago

Not a problem at all Martin!

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