Coach Cornerleague-structure-play-level
TomEckert asked 3 years ago

Hey dear Tom & Dan!
So I’ve been trying (without success) to understand how the league proficiency levels work in TT.
I’m not talking about the team structure or the tournament structure, but rather about the level of proficiency that the various leagues represent.
For example I’m about to join a club (finally!) this week and there are 8 leagues. I don’t understand though what level of play each league stands for. 
For example, you guys play really well, but what league do you belong to? Naturally you don’t play on the same league as Ma Long and Xu Xin, but you still play on a very high level. If you can clarify that, I’ll be grateful. 

2 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 3 years ago

Hey Tom,

Yes it can be quite tricky to actually know the level of different leagues. There is no real clear black or white answer to this unfortunately, usually its a case of just having a look and trying to see where you feel your level best fits into what league. If there are other players who play and also know your level they will give you an idea of which league to try and aim for too.

I would say ask some players at your club and try to get as much information about the standard in each division and where you would best fit it. It’s always a tricky one as each area is different in terms of strength. It’s easier when it comes to national and international level as there are rankings etc to go by but not easy when your first starting out in league play!

replied 3 years ago

Thanks for your answer Tom!
However on a more general level, are there international definitions by which levels of leagues are defined? That’s what I’m trying to understand.
For example, what’s the difference between the league you Tom are playing in and the one Ma Long plays in and the one a lower level player than yourself plays in? The league hierarchical structure so to speak.
I’m actually asking for my simple general understanding.
I hope my question is clearer.

TomTom Academy Coach answered 3 years ago

Hey Tom,

There aren’t really any general definitions of league standards. Each country will of course have their own league structure from Highest to lowest, for example in the UK:

Premier league
A divisions
B Divisions
C divisions

Each different country has a a format/structure similar to this. Hope this is what you mean?

replied 3 years ago

Yes that’s exactly what I mean.
Thanks a lot! 😀

Academy Coach replied 3 years ago

Ahh that’s great, no worries! 🙂

Academy Coach replied 3 years ago

Ahh that’s great, no worries! 🙂

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