Coach Cornerlike-to-open-with-a-forehand-in-the-backhand-but-the-problem-is-that-the-ball-q
Alvar Spaak asked 1 year ago

2 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey Alvar, it looks like your question got cut off before you finished typing here, what is the problem with your backhand and we can help you out.

Tom 🙂

Alvar Spaak
replied 1 year ago

I like to open with forhand from backhand but the problem is that the ball quickly come back to my forehand and I can not take it. Have you some tips:)

TomTom Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey Alvar, ok yes this can be tricky as it’s a long way to go from your backhand corner and cover the wide forehand on the next ball. There are basically a few solutions, the first one is to improve the recovery and footwork and really get used to the movement needed after playing a forehand in your backhand corner and getting to the wide forehand. The next solution is to get really confident with your backhand open up so you don;;t have to move around a play a forehand and you staying a better position in the table.

If you do feel more comfortable at the moment moving around and playing a forehand what’s really important is the placement of your shot so it makes it difficult to block for the opponent and hard to position you out wide into your forehand on the next ball. So trying to play your forehand into the body/crossover of the opponent or finding a very wide angle which forces them out of position. Often getting really good at finding the body is the best option and if you can do this well it works against all players as well. I hope this helps and of you need help with improving any of the shots I mention or other questions on this just let me know.

Tom 🙂

Alvar Spaak
replied 1 year ago

Thanks it helpd very much:)

Alvar Spaak
replied 1 year ago

Thanks it helpd very much:)

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