Coach CornerServe and ReceiveMissing Serves
GallantryX asked 3 years ago

Hey, I really love your videos, such great educational videos, and I wanted to ask when I start a game %60 of the missed shots because of my serves, either it hits the net or goes out the table, while this thing shouldn’t happen, but I still miss my serves so much, I tried to learn a few serves, but the one I stuck with is “The kicker” and the backspin serve, those 2 are the least missed serves, but still, I have to do a variety of serves in the game, so what do you think is the reason of missing my serves so much, although a good practice would solve this problem, I don’t know which serves should I learn, so what serves do you suggest as a beginner/intermediate level, thanks 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 3 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the kind words about the video’s and we’re really pleased to hear you are finding them helpful.

There can be a couple of reasons for this, one is the throw up of the ball, so making sure you throw the ball high enough so you aren’t rushed on serves and giving yourself time to get a good contact. The next one is getting the bounce on your side of the table consistent, so as a guide for a short serve you’ll want the ball to bounce about halfway up your side of the table. I think if you focus on these 2 areas it will reduce mistakes a lot.

Firstly try this with the serves you’re comfortable with and then you can progress to new serves and thinking about the same principles.

Definitely learning a strong short backspin serve and a long fast serve are probably the best 2 to learn first and focus on anyway. Lastly I’d say with serving just be sure to have a nice relaxed grip and soft contact on the ball, this will help with the spin and control too.

Let us know if you have any questions on that 🙂

replied 3 years ago

Sure, will work on it, appreciate your help tom, thanks!

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