Coach CornerVideo RequestsMore chopping videos or masterclass
Oscar Bennett asked 1 month ago

Hi Tabletennis daily I was wondering if you would be able to make more videos on chopping or even doing a chopping masterclass. I really want to start to chop more but find it hard with my bat which I find to be quite fast. I have played with pimples before but swapped to normal inverted rubber. I would love it if you could try to make more chopping videos Thankyou. Also not sure if you still remember but a wile ago I asked about you guys coming to scilly. If the trips become possible please could you say the dates on your channel so I can make sure to be there. Thankyou and keep up with the great content.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 4 weeks ago

Hey Oscar! We’ll definitely contact you about coming over to Scilly if it’s possible for us for sure. It would be later this year if we can fit it in. Yes we’ll look at adding more chopping videos on the Academy for you and some key tips to help you! All the best, Dan 🙂

Oscar Bennett
replied 4 weeks ago

Ok thanks for saying you’ll add more chopping videos I can’t wait to hopefully hear from you and maybe see you in the future. Thankyou so much again.

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