Coach CornerTechniquesMuscle memory from training
maurice101 asked 4 years ago

I just read an article about the best way to achieve muscle memory in tennis.
The idea is to practice ONE stroke 4 times a week for 3 weeks.
However, you should not practice any other strokes in this time or even do games.
This inhibits the muscle memory you are achieving in the one stroke.
There seems to be some good research that backs up these ideas.
I believe the Chinese only practice one stroke for 3 months when young.
 Have you tried this method of training?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hi Maurice,

Yes I’m sure this is sound advice and the Chinese do work in a similar way when they are young and developing. The reason most players don’t practice like this is simply down to time, if you play 3 times a week for a couple of hours for example, you don’t get a chance to practice many different areas in that time so it’s nice to focus on a few different things.

I believe if there is a particular shot or area you struggle with however this could be a good method to become more confident and gain the muscle memory for it to help progress.

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