Coach CornerServe and Receivemy-short-backspin-serve
Morgan Caumont asked 1 year ago

I have difficulty to do correctly short backspin serve and consistently. You can see my serve in the following link :
After to see in slow-motion, I think it’s because I’m not using my wrist and I’m taking the ball high.
Can you give me your advices in order to improve my short backspin serve, please?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey Morgan, Ok so I think you have a nice action to the serve and just a couple of changes will really help you. So you are definitely right with the wrist and getting that into the serve and being more relaxed, so try to think about just gripping with the first finger and thumb and the rest of the hand is more relaxed this will help you have a looser wrist and get it back before you brush under the ball. So as you throw the ball up think about bringing the wrist back and then as the ball drops try too hit it a bit lower and closer to the table and accelerate the wrist quickly underneath the ball.

It’s important to have this fast speed through the contact point otherwise it’s hard to create a lot of backspin on the ball, so I think in the beginning it’s good to just focus on getting a light contact and fast speed under the ball and then try to make it shorter afterwards so it’s hard for players to attack.

But some of the serves you hit really well so I do think with more practice and focus on the parts I mentioned you will see an improvement in this serve, it’s all about spending the time and really working on it which I found in the past really helped me have a strong serving game!

I hope this all makes sense, any questions just let me know. Dan 🙂

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