New suggestion videos for the community
Hello Dan and Tom (and staff)
Having been a member for a while and greatly enjoying your videos, here are some suggestions for new future videos, that the community would also like to see.
–More fitness exercises: Exercises like ladder drills, jump rope (and it’s benefits), use of Elastics, and many others can be presented to us private members. These exercises are good Table Tennis workouts in the days you don’t practice (with the ball, table and partner)
–More videos on the Psychological part: I’ve been reading that for example, writing motivational phrases over and over everyday and keeping it a habit long term can be beneficial (I’m testing this, btw). Also, leading with players who try to play Mind Games with you. These are just a few examples of videos that can be made.
–Exercises at home: A few simple and creative practice suggestions players can do at home to get better.
–Keeping the center of gravity low during all of the game: A lot of players mistakes is, due to game tension and some nervousism, losing their low center of gravity during the game (like me). A video on this is appreciated.
Hope you like. These are some “outside of the box” suggestions that can be transformed into videos. Also, it’s hard to have new ideas sometimes, since there are already a lot of videos, but mainly the Fitness and Psychologic parts are still underdeveloped
Hey Rui, this is really awesome, we always appreciate suggestions and ideas for videos from members on what they want to see and some different topics. I really like the look of some of these ideas and we’ll definitely make some of these into videos! Thanks for this and we hope you are enjoying the Academy!