Coach CornerVideo Requestsnew-videos
MarkK asked 2 years ago

Dan and Tom,
Do you plan to release any new videos in the near future? Haven’t seen any new ones for several months now.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hi Mark, yes there will definitely be more videos soon. The reason we haven’t been able to add new ones recently is because our venue is currently having a lot of work and a big renovation done so we haven’t been able to film. But we’re hoping to be back in there soon and then we’ll be adding new videos on a regular basis again!
Thanks, Dan 

replied 2 years ago

I love your videos and think you and Tom are great, but it’s been a real long time since the last videos. Meanwhile, I’ve been paying my subscription every month. I think if there’s no new activity very soon, I’m going to have to end my subscription. Sorry.


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