Coach CornerTechniquesno-spin serve
Sweetiele asked 6 years ago

I was wondering about how we can come up with a dizzying no-spin serve. In other words, loading the ball with no-spin. I am confused, so can you please tell me how to do such a serve?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Sweetiele,

Your question there has got me thinking. What makes a strong float serve is the previous serves that lead up to this point. If you are doing short backspin, sidespin serves and then when you do the exact same action but produce no spin, this is where the float serve becomes effective as your opponent is not to sure what spin is on the ball. Also doing a follow through action after a float serve can confuse the opponent. No spin, short serves can be very effective in tight situations as opponents can’t do to much with it.

The key is keeping your serves simple and disguised between each one.

Hope this helps 🙂

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