Coach CornerMatch playplayer-dropping-back-with-heavy-sidespin
Hamza Caratela asked 5 months ago

Hi guys, I’ve just played someone today who drops back from the table and I’m really struggling to just keep the ball in play and find a loose ball. The sidespin is causing a lot of trouble for me. I’m trying to go for spin but the sidespin clips the top part of my racket or just goes off the other side. What can I do in this case?

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 months ago

Hey Hamza, usually when you come up against this type of player you need to slow things down and take your time, often it’s better to wait a bit long to really see where the sidespin is taking he ball and then play your shot. If you rush in that’s where the mistakes will happen and it gets frustrating.

Going for the topspin is the right way to go, it’s taking more time and care to slow down and also focus on playing into the middle of the table and the body of your opponent where you will make less mistakes off the side because of the sidespin.

Hope this helps!

Tom 🙂

Hamza Caratela
replied 5 months ago

Hey Tom, what I normally do is to take the ball early so that the spin doesn’t take effect. Is that another way? I tend to be really tentative with the spin and just take the ball early, by doing this I eventually make the mistake by dumping it into the net and it doesn’t really give me any opportunities to go for a harder kill. What do you suggest?

Hamza Caratela
replied 5 months ago

Hey Tom, what I normally do is to take the ball early so that the spin doesn’t take effect. Is that another way? I tend to be really tentative with the spin and just take the ball early, by doing this I eventually make the mistake by dumping it into the net and it doesn’t really give me any opportunities to go for a harder kill. What do you suggest?

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