Coach CornerTechniquesplaying-combination-pips-players
SteveWAD asked 6 years ago

I need some advise on how to handle players that use a combination of short pips and long pips on either side of the bat ..i got destroyed by a player i never played before with this setup. His short pips had thin sponge the long pips had no sponge.
He hardly had any footwork and just twiddled bat pushed blocked and flat hit and was demoralizing us all at the club..Dan whats best way to deal with this nightmare LOL

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hey Steve
Oh I’ve come against these types of players many times they can be very tricky indeed. Okay so the first thing is looking at what side the opponent is doing flat hit kill shots and trying to avoid high balls to this area. You can afford to do loose balls to his long pimples but of course if he twidles your under pressure. Try to find his elbow, cross over point often. Mix up your shots and most importantly keep your pushes low. He wont be able to flat kill if you keep your pushes low and to the angles.
If hes really being aggressive you meed to attack first and put him on the back foot. Also another thing to note is that sometimes these players have spells and the ball will go flying past you. You just have to respect it and not dwell on it and focus on the next point and dig deep tactically. You didnt get a video of playing against this guy by any chance?

If you push low he can’t attack to hard then you can get ready for the block. Often these types of players can only hit 1 shot in a row then they break down quickly.

Hope this helps 🙂

replied 6 years ago

Thanks Dan for the feedback, also I saw the Vid you guys made on how to play against pips, I will try out the advise and let you know how it goes.

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