Playing half board table Tennis
Hey Dan and Tom,
One major problem with me is that I play a half board game. I place most of the balls on the backhand side and hesitate to play towards the forehand, fearing losing points while defending as my blocking is quite weak. How can I practice feeding balls uniformly over the entire table and win rallies? Many thanks!
Hi Sweetiele,
Yes distribution of your shots and placement can have a big impact on results. In our tactical video section we have several videos that will really help with this problem, firstly playing more to he elbow/crossover which we demonstrate here-
Also a couple of others that could help are using your backhand to switch the play quickly-
And lastly improving the awareness of your opponent’s position on the table which you can learn about here-
Take a look at these 3 videos which will give you a lot of detailed information on what to do and how to train this area of your game!