Coach CornerVideo Requestsplease-come-and-visit-me
Oscar Bennett asked 4 months ago

Hi Tabletennis daily I love all of your videos and am very excited for everyone of your new videos when they are released. I live on some small islands off the coast of Cornwall. There is no access to tabletennis coaches or tournaments. I am 13 and love Tabletennis. I try to play whenever I have the chance. I know that you travel a lot and go to different places to play Tabletennis, I would love it if you could visit me in the Isles of Scilly and play Tabletennis with me. We have a small Tabletennis club, we play most Friday nights. I think we’re the smallest club in the world and it would be really cool if you could come.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 3 months ago

Hey Oscar! Wow that sounds really cool, I’ve actually always wanted to visit the Iles of Scilly so it would be cool to set up a trip over there and make a TTD video on the club and the island. We’d love to get a contact email of the person who runs the club and can help us set something up, would you be able to give us some more information or a contact at the club? Thanks! 🙂

Oscar Bennett
replied 3 months ago

My family can help if you need advice or help with planning a trip to get over here to scilly. I would love it so much if I could meet you and your team. It would be a dream come true to meet you in real life.

Academy Coach replied 3 months ago

Hey Oscar, ok that’s great thank you. We will look into this and try to see if we can make a trip happen this year!

Oscar Bennett
replied 3 months ago

Ok thanks Tom unlucky about not winning the Ttd tournament but good job getting in second place I would love to see you here this year

Oscar Bennett
replied 1 month ago

Sorry to reply again late I’m not sure if you will see this but I’m not there every week or the club isn’t on every week so if you end up being able to come could you please post the dates of the trip if you manage to come on the YouTube channel if it’s not a pain just because I would be gutted to miss you Thankyou

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