Coach CornerVideo Requestsplease-come-and-visit-me
Oscar Bennett asked 1 month ago

Hi Tabletennis daily I love all of your videos and am very excited for everyone of your new videos when they are released. I live on some small islands off the coast of Cornwall. There is no access to tabletennis coaches or tournaments. I am 13 and love Tabletennis. I try to play whenever I have the chance. I know that you travel a lot and go to different places to play Tabletennis, I would love it if you could visit me in the Isles of Scilly and play Tabletennis with me. We have a small Tabletennis club, we play most Friday nights. I think we’re the smallest club in the world and it would be really cool if you could come.

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 weeks ago

Hey Oscar! Wow that sounds really cool, I’ve actually always wanted to visit the Iles of Scilly so it would be cool to set up a trip over there and make a TTD video on the club and the island. We’d love to get a contact email of the person who runs the club and can help us set something up, would you be able to give us some more information or a contact at the club? Thanks! 🙂

Oscar Bennett
replied 4 weeks ago

My family can help if you need advice or help with planning a trip to get over here to scilly. I would love it so much if I could meet you and your team. It would be a dream come true to meet you in real life.

Academy Coach replied 1 week ago

Hey Oscar, ok that’s great thank you. We will look into this and try to see if we can make a trip happen this year!

Oscar Bennett
replied 1 week ago

Ok thanks Tom unlucky about not winning the Ttd tournament but good job getting in second place I would love to see you here this year

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