Coach CornerEquipmentracket-selection
aniket_mishra asked 2 years ago

I am a professional table tennis player and currently using Primorac Carbon blade with tenergy 05 on both sides . I am a forehand oriented player and currently improving my backhand from Liam Pitchford backhand masterclass course. I want to upgrade my racket . I feel like Primorac has good speed but lacks spin and control . So I want an all round blade . Please suggest me some blades . I am interested in xiom icecream azxi (watched your review) please share your thoughts on it whether it is a good option or should I go for ALC blade like harimoto Innerforce alc or viscaria ALC .
Thank you 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hi Aniket, great to hear you are working on your backhand with the Liam Pitchford Masterclass! Yes the Primorac doesn’t have to much control, I would say a more controlled and all round blade would be the Harimoto innerforce alc, this is still a fast attacking blade but because the carbon is closer to the centre it has more control and better feeling on contact. I would definitely recommend this type of blade over the others you have mentioned there 🙂 

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