Coach CornerMatch playrallying
Hamza Caratela asked 4 months ago

Hi guys, I’ve tried what you have told me to do. I’m still struggling with finishing the point off. I feel so rushed that I can’t finish the point off. I’m trying to anticipate the next ball back but as soon as it comes to my FH I’m pretty much stuck. What advice can you give me on this? Will a recording of me playing help you? Thanks

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Hamza, definitely a video of you playing will help us see what’s going on, even just a short clip or a set of you playing a match. It might just be the case that playing these fast aggressive killer shots just isn’t your style, for example some players are much better just playing with control and being more consistent than the opponents, this is kind of my style of game but of course you always need to work on these weaknesses still.

Maybe if you can send us in a short clip and I’ll be able to give you some clear advice on how to improve this area for you. Tom 🙂

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