Coach CornerTechniquesReading the ball and the opponent's bat
yeemanl asked 5 years ago

Hi Dan and Tom,
I have found that I respond slowly…I was told that I react only when the ball bounces at my side…. My friend did tell me that I have to look at the opponent’s bat intently, so that I can predict the direction and the spin of the ball. But I find this really difficult… 
May I ask if there would be any suggestions for improvement? Thank you!

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey yeeman, yes this can be tricky when starting out, definitely watching the opponents bat as your friend said will help. I would suggest first getting good solid shots,so forehand and backhand drives and being confident with those shots and then start to work on irregular exercises so you don’t know where the ball is going and this will improve your reaction to each shot a lot.

But it’s important to develop and understand the stokes in a fixed position to start with before doing this.

replied 5 years ago


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