Coach CornerMatch playreturning-a-blocked-ball
Hamza Caratela asked 6 months ago

Hi guys, I have this problem where when I do an open up with a really slow heavy topspin. The opponent blocks it back and I absolutely struggle with the next ball because it comes back so fast even though im prepared for it coming back. I’m staying nice and low, I’m in my ready position once I’ve played the topspin but I still can’t seem to get this ball back, it’s like I have to block the ball back and then the opponent has the upper hand. I am I player that likes to stand close to the table so do I take a little step back from the table? I’m not sure on how to deal with this block, it’s frustrating to miss. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 months ago

Hey Hamza, ok so the thing to try with this is after your open up be sure to keep the bat high and not let it drop and then really focus and work on playing a short snappy topspin stroke on the next shot you are having trouble with. What happens is there is lots of topspin still on the ball form your open up and if you don’t get over the ball it can fly off. You can also take a small step off the table but I would say try what I said here first and let us know how you get on!

Dan 🙂

Hamza Caratela
replied 6 months ago

Hey Dan, I’ll give this a go and I’ll let you know how it goes during practice. Thanks!

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