Coach CornerTechniquesReturning a fast but flat long block
Rijs asked 2 years ago

I would like advice on how best to return the ball well when my opponent has played a fast long block into the corner of the table. This can happen when I try to open up a pushing rally, when I play a forehand drive or when they correctly read a serve with topspin. Often played off the bounce with their backhand, it is a cross between an aggressive block and a punch, but it has very little spin. It does not give me enough time to get into a good position to play a topspin back successfully. If I try to lift the ball it tends to go long or is smashed back past me. If I block, it goes in the net. A chop might work but I am not good at those and again, am not quite in a good position for it anyway. What should I do?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Rijs, yes those can be difficult to deal with for many players and the best way is definitely to topspin it back because those type of shots come through flat and fast as you said.
To return them well you need to really brush the ball and focus on spin and placement and not worry about speed or power. Quite often players miss this shot because they end up rushing and get tense and tight on the contact. So it’s important to focus on getting a quick recovery and movement into position first before trying to play the ball, then try to stay relaxed and brush the ball, keep your wrist relaxed in the shot too this can really help with getting the spin to fight against a flat shot. 
If you can get someone to play these shots at you in training and get used to playing against them that wi help a lot. Let us know how you get on. 
Dan 🙂 

replied 2 years ago

Thanks, Dan. I can see that a topspin would be the best return, but recovery at speed and anticipating where the ball is going is difficult at my senior age, so the pace of the shot defeats me. If it were a topspin I could just about get there in time to block it, even if it means I stretch my arm for it a bit, but this shot, taken early before I have really recovered, doesn’t leave me enough time to set up for a consistent topspin return. Still, it’s a good idea to get someone to practise them against me – that may speed me up!

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