Coach CornerTechniquesReview Needed: Forehand Drive
Saeed Nakhal asked 2 years ago

Hello Dan and Tom,
First of all thanks for all the helpful content. I’m glad I subscribed to TTA. I’m a beginner and I play table tennis recreationally with friends but would like to improve my skills and techniques.
I watched the Forehand Drive video in the Basics section and tried to apply it in my exercise. Can you please review my video and give me your feedback to improve further.

Thanks guys

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Saeed, glad to have have you on the Academy!

It looks like you’ve made a great start here on the forehand drive, I think the main areas to help you improve for you to work on now are trying to keep your body low through the shot and not lifting up as you hit the ball. Having a bit more rotation from your waist and shoulders will help this and think about keeping your body wight forward.

Also I think if you can relax your arm a bit more and try to have smooth stroke this will really help the control and also the feel on the ball when contacting it. Lastly trying to keep the same bat angle all the way through the shot and not change it as you finish. This will help as well with control and consistency. But overall a very solid start on the forehand drive, Keep it up!

Saeed Nakhal
replied 2 years ago

Thanks Dan, very helpful input.

Saeed Nakhal
replied 2 years ago

Thanks Dan, very helpful input.

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