Coach CornerEquipmentrevoldia-cnf-tenergy-19
Dipak1974 asked 4 years ago

Hi Guys

Hope you guys are well and looking forward to return of play. 

just had quick question following your reviews of blade Revoldia CNF and Tenergy 19. First how would the Revoldia compare to say Harimoto ALC or Apolonia in terms of speed, control, feeling? Butterfly lost it similar speed to Viscaria and and Boll ALC but I think it would be slower! 

Also how would you compare T19 to Dignics 80on Bh in terms of speed spin, control and ease of use? 

4 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hey Deep, we are good thanks and looking forward to getting back. Ok so the Revoldia is a touch slower than the Harimoto or Apolonia, but for me a lot more control and a more wood feeling.

On the Tenergy 19 compared to Dignics, the Dignics has more grip and therefore easier to generate spin. The easy of use definitely Dignics is much easier because the Tenergy 19 is quite direct and faster. The Tenergy 19 is good for an all out aggressive attacking game, but for more all round and spin based attack I’d go for the Dignics 80 for sure.

Dipak1974 answered 4 years ago

Hi Guys just a quick one. My lad currently uses Rozena both sides and he has advanced quick nicely and playing really well so I thought great him and upgrade him. He currently has my old all wood blade well controlled. I have a Innerforce ALC which I won’t be using as light at 84g and too slow for my liking so I have given it to my lad but no rubbers on them yet. I was thinking of upgrading him and putting Tenergy 19 on it. Would T19 be a good entry into Tenergy. I haven’t personally used them but I have used T05 and I would like him to use something more controlled and after seeing various reviews T19 seems to fit. 

what are ur thoughts. Some have described T19 in between rozena and T05 which then would be ideal upgrade. 

obviously if he doesn’t get on well with the set up he will have his current set up to go back to as it won’t be disturbed anyway. 

cheers Deep 

TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hey Deep, yes I don’t see a problem with him switching to the alc and the Tenergy 19, it’s definitely a touch more controlled than 05. That set up will be a fair bit faster than what h currently has with a wood blade and rozena to be fair but he may not find it too hard to adjust, just depends on each person.

Best way is to give it a try and see how he gets on, as you say he can always go back to the other blade and even potentially try the Tenergy 19 on his current wood blade if it does end up too fast which could be a nice compromise.

Cheers, Tom

hamzah.france answered 3 years ago

How would you compare revoldia cnf and harimoto ZLC ? Which one has more control and what are their strengths if there are differences 
For info, to be combined with dignics 09C on both sides 

Academy Coach replied 3 years ago

Hey, the Revoldia has more control and a more wood type feel for sure. So for control and spin that’s better, the Harimoto is faster and a bit more direct so depends what you are looking for in your game really. They are both great blades in my opinion so it comes down to your own feeling and if you want that bit more speed or a more controlled feeling with the Revoldia 👍

replied 3 years ago

Thanks a lot Tom

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