Coach CornerTechniquesRobot practice
Liberate26 asked 5 years ago

Hi Tom and Dan,
I have a cheaper training robot, the iPong original, that can only do topspin and underspin. I can practice almost everyday on the robot but only have a few days available each week to make it to the local club and some weeks not at all.
I understand training with a partner would be ideal over the robot, but do you think a certain amount of robot training could become too much and work against you? Do you have any tips on practicing alone?

2 Answers
Liberate26 answered 5 years ago

Any thoughts?

TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hi Liberate 26,

I don’t think that the robot training will work against you at all, as you say training with real human partners is always best but robot training is definitely better than nothing.

When practicing alone its just important to keep a good focus abd really think about what you want to work on. If of course it’s different to do irregular drills on the robot so perhaps focus on footwork and getting solid technique as the robot can get the ball in the same placeat the same speed, better than most human partners!

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