Coach CornerEquipmentrubber-type-backhand-and-forehand
Nomad asked 5 years ago

Hi Dan
About a month ago I asked a question about the type of rubbers I use on the forehand and backhand. Basically I play an attacking game off both backhand and forehand but take a shorter swing  n the backhand for counter hitting with a snappy follow through (with body rotation) to add pace and depth to the stroke when required. On the forehand I use more body rotation which gives me a larger backswing and more power especially when flat hitting a higher return.  Initially I used Evolution ELP on the forehand and Hurricane 2 on the backhand but found that the Hurricane 2 rubber lacked zip and power although it had more control.  Evolution ELP, on the other hand had more power but I found it more difficult to control a fast counter hitting rally with a high degree of topspin as it had less grip and seemed to spring off the bat quickly.  Also I would like to have more topspin on the loop.
I realise this may be due to timing and bat angle but I changed the hurricane to my forehand for more control which seemed to help.  I could also use the rubber to defend with a chop and fast push for control if necessary. The Evolution ELP, now on my backhand was faster and more agressive during counter hitting.  I use a carbon blade. 
My question is, with your experience of various types of rubbers, what would you recommend if I was to renew rubbers given my style of game?  I have only last year started back playing table tennis and the county league after a ten year absence and would be grateful for your advice. 

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey Nomad,

Ok so from what you’ve said there about your game style and the rubbers you have been using it sounds like you definitely need to have a more controlled rubber on the backhand and something with more zip an power on the forehand. The larger forehand swing you spoke about sounds to me like it suits the hurricane, although it isn’t the faster rubber with a lot of spring so yo may want to give Dignics a try which has very good grip like hurricane but offers more spring and easy of use I would say. On the backhand you could even try the same however if you want something with more control the rozena rubber would be a decent choice in this area, it is sightly softer too.

Of course it’s a little tricky as everyone likes different feelings of rubbers but certainly the dignics rubber are very very good and offer a lot of spin! If you are using a carbon blade you may even find the hurricane fast enough for you and if so I would stick to that. It’s all about having consistency with equipment as much as possible.

replied 5 years ago

Thanks Dan
I will certainly look into that.


replied 5 years ago

Hi Dan
I had a look at your review video on Dignics 05 and found it impressive (till I looked at the price). However as I will be playing more regularly after the lockdown it is certainly a good option. What I liked especially was the control and spin the rubber seems to generate yet it has still a good deal of speed coming off the bat from a closed angle which I think would suit my topspin attacking game off either the backhand or forehand (I would probably benefit more from this rubber on the backhand)
I also had a look at the new Dignics 09 tacky rubber which is now used by Timo Bol. Unfortunately due to the lockdown you were unable to demonstrate that in your video. I would be interested to get your view on this rubber when you are eventually able to resume your action reviews.
As soon as I am able to get back to the table tennis club I will send a video of my style of game for your opinion on which you think would be the better option..05 or 09 on a carbon blade.

Thanks again for your advice.


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