Coach CornerServe and Receiveserve-return-question-about-soft-hands
Kevin Tang asked 2 years ago

In your video here – – you say to have soft hands, I was told I should squeeze the paddle on contact with the ball. 
Is the hand / grip supposed to be fully relaxed on contact (so soft grip) or should the grip be held a little harder or squeezed on the return?

2 Answers
Kevin Tang answered 2 years ago

Also is the soft grip only on serve return? That might be what is missing. I was told to squeeze paddle on contact

TomTom Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Ok so with all shots you should be quite relaxed in your grip, definitely on high spin serves this is important to avoid silly mistakes. However squeezing a little bit with your first finger and thumb as you contact the ball is also helpful, as long as you don’t press to hard and get tight. This squeeze as you contact helps to get the momentum and contact you want through the shot, but your other fingers should still stay pretty relaxed.

Even on topspin and block shots this squeeze as you contact can help, its just important not to tense up and keep the bottom 3 fingers loose around the bat.

Kevin Tang
replied 2 years ago

Tom, would it be easier to just stay completely relaxed instead of trying to squeeze? I feel like trying to squeeze with 2 fingers adds tension

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