Coach CornerServe and Receiveset-up-for-backhand-dominant-player
Danttgeek asked 1 year ago

Hi Guys
I am really struggling to get my head around 3rd point attacks.  (assume all players are right handed)
So I have seen it said that backhand dominant players prefer to use Backhand, Tomahawk and Reverse Pendulum serves, as the return comes to the middle or backhand (but not wide) for them to attack.
Examples are Zhang Jike and Ovtcharov.
I am struggling to understand this, because the counterclockwise spin means that if the receiver holds the bat static, the ball will return to the servers FOERHAND side.
Is it because they ‘reverse’ the spin direction when they return?  Does it depend on whether they return it with their backhand or forehand, topspin or push?   I am struggling to understand this – please help!

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey Dan, yeah I would say there’s quite a few things that affect where the serve comes back and not just the spin. It also depends where you serve on the table to your opponent and like you said if they return with their forehand or backhand. Also not matter the spin , the good level players can still return anywhere on the table with quick changes of bat angle. I would say that more likely though the reverse and tomahawk serves will come back more often to the forehand side against most players. Whereas a sidespin pendulum serve is more likely to come back to the backhand side or middle because of the spin. But of course it depends on the serve position as well. So I think you are right and it’s just about trying to find the serve and combinations that work well for you and how you like t play. So getting serves in that give you more chance of getting in your strong shots and avoiding weaknesses you may have. I hope this makes sense!!

Dan 🙂

replied 1 year ago

Thanks Dan – I appreciate your answer. Hope you guys are having a good start to the year – it was great to see the Chairman crush Truls! 😜

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