Coach CornerTechniquesHow to deal with a short pimple block
Wolfram asked 7 years ago

Hey Dan
I do have a question about playing short pimps. In my club I usually play against a guy with short pimps on the backhand. It´s easy for me to open with a backhand topspin against him but then he´s blocking with his pimps and the next topspin I can´t get over the net. What to do? Should I try to push his blocks or is it the wrong way?
Thanks for your help

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Wolfram,

Thanks for the question.

I know exactly what you mean, I have played many short pip players in the past and they put a little bit of backspin on the ball as they block/return the ball. The positives are your able to open up the first ball well which is great, as he returns its coming back to you with enough backspin for you to put the ball in the net if you don’t adjust your stroke. As this ball comes to you, you need to go more upright like your playing against backspin making good use of your legs and brushing into the ball. If you are out of position, sometimes its better to push the ball and then get in good position for the next shot.

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