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Reece_Taylor-Lock-894644 asked 3 years ago

Hey guys, I’m right handed like my forehand a lot not so keen on flicking I stand atm with my right leg parallel to the left leg of the table, is this an ok starting position?
Ps. Love the view very helpful

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 3 years ago

Hey Reece,

I would say to have your starting position slightly more towards the centre of the table otherwise you can be vulnerable to fast serves into the forehand side or short serves right into he forehand corner.

Cheers, Tom

replied 3 years ago

Cheers Tom, I found that short serves to my forehand we’re catching me out, thanks for the advice👍

replied 3 years ago

Cheers Tom, I found that short serves to my forehand we’re catching me out, thanks for the advice👍

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