Coach CornerEquipmentStruggling about which equipment use as a beginner
Mattia Orbolato asked 1 year ago

Dear Coaches,
I’ve started playing for a month now and I had the chance to trying different equipment at my club:
– Stiga Allround Classic + Yasaka Mark V: Feeling too slow (difficulty to pass the net) 
– Stiga Allround Classic + Donic Desto F4: Feeling slow and unreliable 
– Stiga Offensive Classic + Donic Desto F4: Feeling too fast, I was forced to stop early my arm movement for avoiding the ball to go off the table
– Yasaka Sweden Classic + Yasaka Mark V: Feeling too Slow
– Yasaka Sweden Extra + Donic Desto F4: Feeling balanced (I’ve sent last days to you a video using this combo)
Note: All the rubbers were 2.0 on FH and 1.8 on BH
Now I’ve the chance of purchasing some near mint combination at a reasonable price:
– Stiga Offensive Classic + Stiga DNA Future M (2.1 both)
– Xiom Allround S + Xiom Vega Intro (2.0 on FH, 1.8 on BH)
Alternative, to purchase following my feelings with the blade, a brand new:
– Yasaka Sweden Extra + Stiga DNA Future M (2.1 both)
– Another combo proposed by you, based on my negative feeling with Stiga Allround Classic and my positive feeling with Yasaka Sweden Extra.
Could you please help me about choosing the right Equipment as a beginner?
P.s. I promise that after the choice I’ll stick to my choice and will not change equipment at least for one year 😉

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 1 year ago

Hey Mattia, so thing most important thing I would say on choosing equipment its that it all comes down to personal feeling and what feels right for you because everyone is different and likes different things. It’s definitely good that you’ve had a chance to try different things and experiment with a few options, this is the best way to get a feel for what you like and don’t like. But once you’ve settled it’s good to stick with it as you said 🙂

So by the sounds of it the Yasaka Sweden extra is the blade for you and the DNA future in my opinion is a good solid rubber to start out with properly. So if you have the chance to buy that at a reasonable price I’d recommend that!

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