Switching to Short Pimple from inverted, equipment?
Hi guys!I am testing out short pimple on my backhand . Currently I use Timo Boll ALC with Joola Dynaryz ACC on backhand and Dignics 09c on forehand. Im thinking of getting Moristo SP 1.8 mm and Mima Ito Carbon. I mainly wanna play aggressive drives and blocks. Are those good choices? For my forehand, should I switch to Fastarc G1 for playing better drives and flathits, or should I stick to 09c? 09c is my perfect forehand rubber, but not sure if it’ll suit short pips on the other side.
Hey! Often with equipment it’s hard to recommend what’s better or worse it all comes down to what you personally like and feel comfortable with. I would say thought that keeping your equipment the same and not changing too much is important, if you definitely feel that the short pimples suit your game better then stick with those but keep the Dignics on the other side. Changing to something like fast arc would be a very big difference to get used to. I think that would also be a good combination as Dignics has a lot of spin and then fast flat hits and punches with the pimples will give the opponents a lot to think about!
Thank you!! I will try it out with the same blade and Dignics on forehand