Coach CornerEquipmentT05 vs R47 vs Bluestorm z1
zackmossy asked 4 years ago

I am looking for some advice on a forehand rubber. I had used Joola Rhyzm for years, long before the poly ball, but since the poly ball came in I decided to try and get a rubber with slightly more arc. So, I tried T05 and found it a big change and quite hard to adapt to. My main issues were that the arc was so much bigger and I found touch shots a lot harder. After using it for several months I have started to get used to it more, but that might just be that it is easier to control after its worn out more.
From looking at several rubbers, both R47 and Bluestorm Z1 both look like good attacking rubbers, whilst having slightly less arc, but I haven’t had any experience with either of them, so I was wondering if you could give some advice based on your experience with them? Or even whether you think I should just keep trying to get used to t05?
For reference, I have a Tibhar Samsonov Force Pro blade and play a fairly attacking game – looking to spin up as soon as I can, then play some more direct topspin shots from close and mid-distance. My serve is a particular strong point in my game, however my return of serve is an aspect that needs a lot of work, so something more forgiving in that sense might be good!

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hey Zack, I know a few players who found switching to tenergy quite hard for control abd topspin shots. From what you have said about your game style and also your retuen or serve I would probably recommend rasanter r47 as its a slightly lower arc as you mentioned and although it is still a very fast rubber,its a little less “springy” than tenergy so that would help with the control in improving and working on your return game.

The R47 will also be slightly closer to the joola rubbers you had before but with a little more speed and grip so I’d go for that personally 🙂

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