Coach CornerEquipmenttable-tennis-shoes
Salexander asked 4 years ago

Hi Tom and Dan,
I’m thinking of buying a pair table tennis shoes. I never had one and always used my running shoes when playing table tennis. What qualities do I look for in a TT shoes? Could you recommend a few good ones (in terms of quality and value).
I never have any problem with my running shoes to be honest, just curious if it will make a difference using the proper shoes. The only difference i can think of is probably the thinner and more grippy sole. Is there other things that make TT shoes special?
Does the playing surface matter when deciding which shoes to get? At the moment I’m only playing in my garage with concrete floor.

2 Answers
Salexander answered 4 years ago

I also want to add that I will probably try joining a club next month once they open. In the club they should use carpet, so it’s nice if the shoe is suitable for that.

Dan Academy Coach answered 4 years ago

Hi Salexander, Yes I would say getting proper table tennis shoes will be more comfortable as they will be a lower height, lighter and more grip than running shoes so you will feel more stable. Really what you look for in table tennis shoes is light weight, good grip on the sole and enough support. I would say in terms of quality the stiga liner 11 shoes are very good, lightweight, good grip and not too expensive, if your looking for something cheaper then the stiga liner version one are on sale now for about 40 Euros on the sitga website.

The butterfly lezoline sal shoes are also very good and on sale too right now, I would say stick with one of the major brands like stiga, butterfly, tibhar etc but there’s 2 good suggestions for you there. Let us know if you need any more info or other questions on this.

Dan 🙂

replied 4 years ago

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the suggestions! I think I’ve seen you and Tom wearing those too, so it must be good ?. I think I’ll be looking at the Stiga ones as they are quite reasonably priced here in Australia and I love the design too.

Samy Alexander

Academy Coach replied 4 years ago

No worries Sammy, yeah they are a solid choice and good value for sure! 🙂

Cheers, Dan

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