Coach CornerTacticstactics-against-flat-hitters
xxx asked 5 years ago

Hello guys, 
Lately in local champ I fought with some players which mostly play with fast flat hits from both sides and get lots of points with it! Practically no topspin, just backspin, good service receive, no spin balls and flat hitting, I found myself playing in a defence with them its not my best part)) I noticed that many girls playing that way and some old men which able to play without long pips)) so the question is how to deal with them, maybe its a topic for video

2 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Hey! So against these type of flat hitting players there are a couple of tactics that work really well. Firstly you need to try to play with plenty of spin and get the ball deeper in the table where it’s harder to flat strongly. Also sometimes if you are finding it difficult against these players, if they don’t spin well as you said you can try to use some long pushes to force them into a weak opening attack or they will keeo pushing and you can be patient and wait for the right ball to spin well.

Lastly against these players, variation is key. So change the speed, the spin, direction of your shots and your serves to make it unpredictable for them. It’s much harder to play a flat hitting game when you break up thier rhythm and timing and force them into playing different shots.

We will also make a video on this as you mentioned, we currently have a video on how to beat blockers and some of the principles are very similar so it would be worth watching that too if you haven’t already!

replied 5 years ago

Thank you for fast response and advices ,Tom! Hope it would help)

Academy Coach replied 5 years ago

No problem, and let us know how you find it!

replied 5 years ago

Thanks for your advice. Could I apply these tips to play against to Pip players?


replied 5 years ago

Hello, I have also a hitter champ at my club who loves to smash slow loops to forehand. His main serve is long backspin cross-court to forehand to support his smash on opening loop. He is also very good at finding angles when you are away from table. Along with the great stuff that Tom suggested here are some tips (I am low – to intermediate player)

– Open loop to his backhand
– When looping to FH put more sidespin on the ball
– Push patiently with him, he likely won’t open first

Larry Hodges (Table Tennis Tactics for Thinkers) has a chapter on hitters – I think he suggests to try make them “wild” hitters and miss some of their shots – that would include what Tom suggests – variation and spin. I’ll film myself and put a video playing with him in future.

replied 5 years ago

Thanks for your comments. I have Larry Hodges (table tennis tactics for Thinkers). Will read the chapter on hitters as your suggestions. It would be nice if you could share your video playing against long pips player at your Club..

TomTom Academy Coach answered 5 years ago

Yes SDTTA, you can definitely use a similar against pips players,it definitely helps to vary the spin and be patient with your shots,and Bravehorsie also added some good points in here as well 🙂

replied 5 years ago

bravehorsie, thanx for you advices man, agree with all you said!

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