Coach CornerTacticsTactics for left handers
Martin Neuteboom asked 2 months ago

Hi, as a left hander myself I was looking to find some good tactics to use against right handed players. 
What are the best serves in a lefty- righty match up to put pressure on the opponent and start attacking?
In a rally along which diagonal shoul I try to play? Is it better to try to play from my forehand to the opponent backhand or maybe try to pivot and play forehand to forehand first and the play down the line to the opponent backhand?

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 months ago

Hey Martin! I think it does depend on your strengths and what shots you prefer to play and of course depends on each different opponent. But I’m a right hander and I know when I play left handers I really don’t like it when they serve short into my forehand and attack the first ball with their forehand. This attack you should try to mix up the position, sinto the body is great but also sometimes wide into each side, keep them guessing. Also as a left hander you have a great angle out to the wide forehand of right handers with your backhand you can try to use, if you look at someone like Timo Boll he does this so well. It’s a great way to learn as well watching on YouTube other left handers and what they are doing as well. Hope this helps! Dan 🙂

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