Coach CornerTechniquesTechnique/ Gameplay Analysis
Chris Lim asked 3 days ago

Hi Dan,
I would like to get some feedback for my son on his recent game. He’s wearing blue in the video. Would you be able to let me know which areas he needs more work on, and possibly some drills that he can do?


1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 1 day ago

Hi Chris, it looks like he’s doing really well! I think his shot play in the open rallies was very good and he mostly looked comfortable with that. I would say the biggest thing for him at the moment is returning long serves, sometimes he tends to push them back and makes some mistakes here instead of playing a topspin. A great practice for hi would be getting someone to serve a lot of different long serves to him and he has to try to get into the habit of playing a topspin and countering whatever spin is on the serves. This is also important in the rallies as well if there is a long push to try to get him to open up with his topspin shots more when he gets the chance.

I also think for him if he can practice getting more topspin on the ball this will really help him be able to change the rhythm and timing in matches against his opponents. The last thing that I would say and maybe the most boring thing to practice but also one of the most important is serves. getting more spin ,being able to get the ball short and also having a good mixture, this is important for all players and the good thing is you can also practice it on your own. So for now I would say these are the main things, but hes improving well and still young! If you have nayquestions just let me know. Dan 🙂

Chris Lim
replied 3 hours ago

Thanks Dan. We will work on these! Serve practice in particular is one area that he’s dragging his feet on, but your comments should motivate him to work on that.


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