Coach CornerMatch playtension
Hamza Caratela asked 2 years ago

Hey Dan and Tom, I have noticed a common error that I tense up when playing shots especially on backspin balls when opening up. I don’t find the fluidity in my shots it’s very stiff and jabby. What can I do to relax my shots during match play. When the ball is irregular I tense up unintentionally.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey Hamza, this often happens on backspin shots yes, a great way to get around this is try to think about really accelerating fast through the contact of your shots. To do this you have to be relaxed, also focus on having a relaxed grip as this often causes you to tense up if your grip is too tight. Also just making sure you do a lot of practice on these irregular balls in training trying to make sure you have a relaxed loose arm.
Dan 🙂 

Daniel Blyth
replied 2 years ago

Are you talking about being loose in the whole arm or just the hand and wrist? I have also been working on this and find that I can’t accelerate on FH lift if my whole arm is relaxed because it is too floppy with no control. I find the timing is harder too but this is just because I am changing technique. I have found keeping rigid around elbow and forearm is okay as long as your grip is loose, and wrist. Is this correct?

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