Coach CornerEquipmentThe characteristic of double fish v40+ ball
Malongtheking asked 2 years ago

Hello Tom and Dan, I have been played table tennis in Hong Kong for over 8 years. There are several changes of the table tennis ball in the past decade. From 38mm to 40mm and so on…… Recently, V40+ which is manufactured by double fish is mainly used in the match held in my country. I found it is really different from other brand of table tennis ball including Butterfly, Nittaku and DHS. Therefore, I would like to know the main characteristics of the double fish v40+ table tennis ball compared with other brands. Besides, I also want to know about the techniques when playing this ball in the matches. I would be appreciate if you can give me further information.

1 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 2 years ago

Hey! Yes i know the Double Fish v40 ball, it’s not one of the best balls around to be honest. It can feel quite heavy and slow and not much spin compared to other brands. You need to use a lot of legs and body to help you when playing with this type of ball, it needs more effort to create spin and power.

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