Coach CornerTechniquesthe-grip-during-playing
shai10be asked 6 years ago

Hi guys,
During playing a match , Is it the right way to change the grip after each shot ?
For example, I am hitting a forehand shot , should I change the grip to a neutral grip after the shot ? or stay in the forehand grip until I have to do a backhand shot ?
And of course the same ques. for the backhand side….
What is the right way to play ?
Thanks a lot,

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 6 years ago

Hi Shai,

You raise a good point there, I think the overall aim with the grip is to minimise any chnages as much as you can. So having a small change between backhand and forehand is very common but a big change is not ideal as you lose time. I would say definitely don’t try to change to a neutral grip between shots as again you may end up having to swap back to the grip you already had in the first place. Just wait in the forehand or backhand grip until you are sure of the direction and then make the change.

I would just say again the smaller the change you can make it, the better. So try to practice exercises where you have to swap a lot randomly from backhand to forehand without making big changes in your grip.

Hope that’s helpful.


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