Coach CornerMatch playunforced-errors
Hamza Caratela asked 4 months ago

Hi guys, how do I reduce the amount of unforced errors. I give away too many points because of the unforced errors. 

1 Answers
TomTom Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Hamza, there are a few good ways to help you avoid unforced errors. The first one is slowing down slightly and really focusing on the placement of your shots instead of trying to win with power and speed. Another thing I like to do in training is to just have a few balls, so 3 or 4 when you practice, if you play with a lot of balls you get used to just always having another on ready instead of really valuing each point. Then if you miss a lot you end up having to pick the balls up a lot so it forces you into making less mistakes.

lastly I would say if you are playing a match in practice or even a normal match try to think about making sure the first 5 shots are just on the table, don’t worry about winning the point at all in these shots and I think you’ll be surprised how many mistakes the opponents make in these shots if you can be more consistent!

Hope this helps, Tom 🙂

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