Coach CornerTechniquesVideo-analysis-suggestions-to-improve-game
Chris Lim asked 4 months ago

Hi Dan, Tom,

I would like to get some feedback for my boys to improve their games and techniques. They are the young boys in the videos. Looking forward to your pointers and advice! Thanks!

2 Answers
Dan Academy Coach answered 4 months ago

Hey Chris! Looks like your boys are doing really well, some good stuff in here! I’ve had a watch of the videos and tried to give you the key things that will help them the most right now. I think for Tawwahn a couple of things, he’s good in the normal open game type rallies and just needs to focus on keeping the spin on his shots when going for a stronger attack. Also to be careful not to rush his push shots, especially against the player in the 2nd video, this type of style is important to be patient and keep the ball in play. 
I also think for him to watch out for when the opponent is serving long and try not to push these balls back, try to get him in the habit of when they serve long trying to open with a topspin shots much as possible. This will help him develop his spin and also get into the open rallies more and also stop the opponents getting the first attack in and putting him under pressure as well. 
For Anda I think it’s important just to keep developing the basic shots well, forehand and backhand drives and pushes and the trying to start to get more topspin on his shots. For him what I can see is he drops back from the table quite quickly sometimes so really trying to get him to stay up closer to the table and play his shots from there. 
He’s already got a good role, model to follow and the club set up seems good there where you are so I would say, that of course whilst they are both young the most important thing is that they enjoy it and just get good basics in al the shots which will help them to keep improving in the future. 
I hope this helps, Dan 🙂

Chris Lim answered 4 months ago

Hi Dan, thanks for sharing these tips! We will watch out for these areas and hopefully they will be able to refine their techniques for better play. The boys enjoy the sport alot and I agree that getting the basics right would go a long way for them. P.s. the boys are really excited to hear from you!

Academy Coach replied 4 months ago

No problem at all Chris, glad the boys are loving the sport that’s what we want!

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